Training in crisis management and total defense planning

Crisis Management and total defense planning

How well prepared is your organization for crisis, high alert or, in the worst case, war? In a heightened security situation, higher demands are placed on improving one’s knowledge of total defense and of what you need to do in your particular organization.

It can be about ensuring that you can continue to run your regular business under difficult conditions, or that you can adapt your business to provide essential services and goods in times of high alert and war.

It can also be about having a plan for business continuity, for example access to reserve power, changed work routines or a plan for communication with employees, the public and others concerned.

Who is the training for?

This training is aimed at those who want to better understand total defense and contingency planning. Your organization may be at the beginning of starting up planning around crisis management and civil defense and needs to deepen its understanding. Perhaps you work as a preparedness or security coordinator, security manager, information security consultant, project manager or are part of the company’s crisis management, work with operational protection or crisis organization or similar.

Planned training opportunities

We hold several training opportunities annually together with the Security University. You can register for the next training event now.

18 January 2024 – register here

Customized training

If you would like us to come to your organization and hold a tailored training just for you, that is of course fine.

Contact us for more information and suggestions for training plans.

Why is training in crisis management and total defense needed?

The defense committee assesses in its report Allvarstid that an armed attack on Sweden cannot be ruled out and that it cannot be ruled out that military means of force or further threats of such might be used against Sweden. That is why the rebuilding of total defense has now begun.

All socially important organizations need to be aware of the impact and importance of crisis management and total defense for society and what demands will be made in general. Preparing for the unthinkable starts with yourself and the crisis management your organization carries out beforehand.

The structure of the training

This full-day training gives you knowledge that can contribute to the individual’s and the organization’s ability to handle the crisis and total defense planning to be carried out. The training gives you increased understanding and insight into the responsibilities of various actors in total defense planning and explains who has which mission in the event of heightened preparedness and war.

Course content



  • Introduction, coffee
  • Preparedness exercise 1 – crisis management
  • Total defense and civil preparedness
  • New authority structure within preparedness – roles and division of responsibilities
  • How does society change during high alert?
  • Preparedness exercise 2 – the situation worsens





  • Contingency planning
    • How does the contingency plan relate to other plans in an organization?
    • What should a contingency plan contain?
    • How do you measure and develop capability in an organization?
    • How do you plan for long-term skill development?
  • Preparedness Exercise 3 – the war is here
  • Current global situation, threats and consequences
  • Success factors in planning work
  • Evaluation and conclusion

This is how you work in a structured manner with your contingency planning

Our implementation process

Basalt uses a proven model that gives you the tools you need to manage your tasks in various crisis situations and at high levels of preparedness. We have helped actors in both the private and public sector with analysis and planning. Welcome to download an example of how we work.

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